Monday, November 27, 2006


I am going to the patato place on the west side of campus,
anyone want to go with- contact me.

Friday, November 10, 2006


I had chocolate for breakfast today.
that was a really bad idea.
I am having rice and monteray jack for lunch and I am so shaky I am having problems eating.
what the hell was I thinking having a dark chocolate bar for breakfast ?

so, I am keeping a log of what I am eating and how I feel later,
and every time I read it I see that I deserved everything I got.
I need to make sure to not have ice cream and wine for dinner, or just skip breakfast, it seems so easy looking back at it.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


south side of UCB
due to me suposidly being reported if I go into the SV office,
I will not be stopping by to check if they want to go,
if they want to go with me,
they will have to contact me.

Monday, November 06, 2006


west side of UCB,
I want a baked patato.
my car leavs at 12:00 if you want to go.